Five alien races that almost destroyed us

The question of the existence of an extraterrestrial mind remains open, and thank God, according to game designers. How many times humanity had to defend himself from alien invaders! How many times it turned out on the verge of death due to the fault of the aliens!

In this issue, we recall the most merciless, most terrible, evil and dangerous aliens, whom people have ever had to meet in video games.

5. Ur-kwans

Ur-kvanny-race of complex fate. Their ancestors were single predators, therefore, with the contact of modern representatives of the race, problems were observed. And yet, one alien people managed to achieve understanding with Ur-kwans. These were the Paul, who even invited new friends, outwardly reminiscent of centipedes, in an interplanetary association, which consisted of themselves.

Everything collapsed when the expedition of Ur-Kwanov stumbled upon creatures known as Dnarri. These were powerful psionics, who quickly took control of almost all the races of the union, except for the Talo. Only many years later, Ur-Kwans managed to drop Yarmo: it turned out that Dnarri telepathic control is weakening for a few moments when Ur-Kwan experiences severe pain. To destroy the enslavers, the poor had to torture themselves. The special chip "tormentor", which Ur-kwans made themselves directly in the brain was even invented.

Getting rid of the invaders, the people split. One part claimed that it is possible to protect from the repetition of such incidents in the future by capturing all the rational races of the galaxy and giving them a choice: to fight on the side of the UR-Kvanov or to agree to voluntary imprisonment on their native planet, under an impenetrable power shield. The other said that only the complete destruction of a reasonable life guarantees security. Fortunately, the first. Because very soon the UR-Kwans went to realize their plans and achieved some success in this, until they were defeated by earthlings who managed to build a ship using the forerunner technology.

By the way, on the Internet a free version of Star Control 2 is available, the main game in which UR-Kwans appeared. It is called The Ur Quan Masters.

4. Chimeras

When humanity first encountered chimeras, people first decided that they were dealing with a product of inhuman experiments of Soviet scientists. In the end, it was from the territory of the USSR that this new plague crawled throughout Europe, and then reached America.

The true origin of the chimera is covered with darkness, but they were definitely not created in the Stalinist laboratories. In time, the first messages about the monsters coincided with the fall of the Tunguska meteorite, but later underground towers built by chimeras a long time ago.

Most likely, the Earth was once one of the many colonies of this species, but at some point the chimeras lost control of the planet, getting involved in the war with another alien race, which allowed people to develop and become a dominant look.

Now the chimeras returned to take their good good from the new owners. Instead of thoughtlessly destroying the population of the Earth, they try to infect both military and civilian, thus strengthening their army. Transformation of people is put at chimera on stream. Especially for this purpose, they built huge plants where prisoners turn into new fighters and servants.

More recently, chimeras survived a kind of revolution. The old hierarchy was destroyed, and the primarchs and overseers led by Daedalus, a former human soldier, came to the place of the ruling caste of the angels.

3. Covenants

Covenants are more than the race. This is rather an interplanetary religion, which collected a very diverse flock under its wing. Object of worship of carpets – Ancient race of the forerunner. It is believed that they have long left the galaxy, either by dying, or having gone to explore new spaces.

At the top of the social pyramid of the carpets – the so -called prophets. These are religious leaders who not only control their “parishioners”, but also instruct them on the path of the true. The ultimate goal of the carpets is a great journey. Its true essence remains a mystery for a long time, but in the end it turns out that the journey implies the destruction of all living things in the galaxy. Including, by the way, the carpets themselves.

Opening, this secret caused a split in the ranks of alien fanatics. One of the most noble races honoring alien covenants (not for nothing that she was called the elite), was not ready for complete extinction and left former allies. After that, thugs became the main combat force of the carpenants – huge, indescribably strong creatures, which can only hunters (another race in the Union) can compete with relics). Having become favorites of the prophets, the thugs are struggling to justify confidence.

2. Tyranids

The tyranids differ primarily from them from the grains that were painted from them. Tyranids act as a whole, because in fact they are. All of them are connected in a single collective mind, and more developed representatives of the species differ from less developed only in that they have a stronger connection with this mind. In fact, they act as living antennas.

Tyranids can maintain a connection between themselves even at great distances. They are divided into many fleets that act independently of each other, but in full agreement with a single plan. According to the estimates of scientists of the empire of people, to defend from the attack of the entire Tyranid Armada at once it will be almost impossible for people. Compared to this threat, constant enmity with the orcs, and even the eternal battle with the gods of chaos fade.

1. Grands

At first glance, grains may seem ordinary wild animals, cruel and bloodthirsty. But in fact, this is a reasonable look that has mastered even distant space flights.

The grains known to us are a product of directed evolution. Their distant ancestors, unremarkable parasites, attracted the attention of Zele-Nag-an ancient race, obsessed with creating an ideal type. By long selection of green-hunger, proto-names were the ability to infect other creatures, take control of their nervous system and add the most useful properties of a new “acquaintance” to the genetic bank of the race.

Zergs have a rather complicated hierarchy, and at its top are the only truly reasonable members of the species: the collective mind and its immediate subordinates, cerebrates. The rest of the giant flock is semi -intention. Conventional grains are able to coordinate actions and develop tactics corresponding to the occasion, but they are genetically incapable of disobeying the orders of the “superiors” and without its supervision instantly dive.

The grains adopted the passion of their creators and now they themselves are trying to achieve perfection, wandering around the universe and absorbing various organisms. Their ultimate goal is the protossa, another experiment of the green Nag. True, those have an important advantage: psionic abilities. It was in the hope of finding and infecting the psionics of grains attacked a colony of people. In the end, their goal was achieved – Sarah Carriegan, who later found fame under the name of Queen Klinkov, fell into the clutches of the pack.

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