Littlebigplanet 3: Interview with the game designer

► David Dino – designer of the Sumo Digital studio, who worked on Littlebigplanet 3. In addition, he created levels for previous parts in the gaming editor and that was how it began to develop games. Just a living illustration of our material on how to get into Gamdev from the street!

Sminted gray in the body in the body begins to feel the shortage of something warm, fluffy and very, very sweet. The rag Cute Sechabi, invented in Media __molecule, brightened us up the fall of 2008 and the winter of 2011, and now he returns for the third time, but not one, but with “heavy artillery” in the person of three no less funny comrades:

Littlebigplanet 3 , created by the forces of another studio – Sumo Digital, has become the main exclusive of this fall for the PlayStation, but it is not only glorious by new characters. In anticipation of the release, we talked with David Dino, Sumo Digital designer, and we found out what the players will delight the version for PlayStation 4, what role Media Molecule played in development … and how to equip her hero with banana nunchaki!

When it comes toLittlebigplanet 3 **, everyone only says that about brand new heroes. Tell us how you and colleagues decided that it would not hurt to add a few more characters to the game?**

In truth, the idea was born by itself, when we undertook to experiment with the design of levels, increased the number of layers and complicated the layout. To overcome new obstacles, it was necessary to either teach Secboy a lot of new tricks, or come up with his assistants. We chose the second. Each debutant can do something special: the second is flying, the Oddsk runs perfectly and jumps, and the Toggl easily changes in size and calmly feels under water. These skills Slots Dreamer Casino have a great redlete of the well -familiar gameplay formula, the players will probably like.

► press large buttons only togglu can.

But whether other images of characters who did not fall into the final version were invented?

Certainly! For example, worm and ghost. Not quite what you expect from LBP, right? (Laughs) The first was excellently climbed anywhere and knew how to dig the earth, and the second, of course, passed through the walls. But I had to refuse them – these heroes did not fit into the new level of levels, and their skills broke the mechanics.

Did Media Molecule help you in inventing new characters or fresh ideas? What role did the creators of the initial concept play the role in the process of development?

We sincerely admire these talented guys, they willingly delved into all our ideas, agreed with something, and somewhere they gave advice. But still, their role in creating the game was limited to consultations, and all fundamental developments, like the characters, belong to us. Let's say so: Littlebigplanet 3 – This is the game Sumo Digital, but approved by Media Molecule.

► some levels in the game were made under a particular hero, and therefore you can play them exclusively in his skin. Here we have a level, "dedicated" to the dog Oddsooku.

WITHLittlebigplanet 3The series debuts on the new generation of prefixes. Will there be other differences between versions for PS3 and PS4, in addition to graphic?

Of course, after all, PlayStation 4 has many new opportunities and, in particular, social functions that fit perfectly into the concept of a series. The "Share" button has changed a lot! Using a simple built -in tools, players will be able to mount short trailers to the levels they created and share them with others. Other people's videos can be watched in a common hub to better understand the author’s idea. In addition, with PlayStation 4 you can broadcast the game directly to the Twitch service, and we really liked the recent records of the series of the series Pokemon: In them, spectators could jointly control what was happening on the screen, entering the commands in the text chat of broadcasting. We decided to realize something similar in our game: you yourself can create levels for such interactive streams.


Yes, we also like this idea too. It is a pity that this is impossible on PS3, so all this will be available exclusively to the owners of the new iron. Of course, we used the touchpad Dualshock 4, with its help it is much more convenient to study the menu, especially in the design of the designer. In a word, the version for PlayStation 4 better reflects our vision of the game, but we could not deprive the owners of the PlayStation 3 pleasures to join the new part of the series originated on this prefix!

By the way, for many players, the editor is almost the most important part of the game. Tell our readers about the most intriguing changes.

All the old opportunities of the editor in Littlebigplanet 3 in place, but a lot of new ones were added to them. Now you can create up to sixteen interactive layers of level, design stages for a particular character or the entire company, play with new objects and mechanisms. But my favorite feature is a creation for Sekboy of all sorts of mechanisms from the parts scattered at the levels.

Which, for example?

My favorite is a firewood fiery, a very slaughter joke! And one of his colleagues made banana nunchaki: it is so funny to watch as a sacbo with them cuffs! You can do something more precise: say, gloves that easily break entire blocks. Sekbo in general now an expert on gadgets, equip him, as far as your riotous imagination is enough.

► One of the fans of LBP2 recreated in the game .. Final Fantasy VII. Do not underestimate the power of the local editor!

A whole bunch of various costumes accumulated in Sekboy's wardrobe. Is it possible to try them on his friends – for example,

No, each hero will have his own outfits, and you will see them very soon. However, the general direction can already be evaluated by recently shown costumes from Metal Gear Solid 5. Further – more, believe me!

► Toggl in Skullpase's costume struck us on the spot. But the Oddsk in the image of a step -trip is also very impressive!

Finally, please describe your creation with one sentence. Or, say, a slogan.

Littlebigplanet 3 – This is not just a familiar game where new characters added. The third part will give you perhaps the most large -scale and interesting experience of the game, you have not seen such a thing in the series. At least we aimed precisely on this.

* * *

In Russia Littlebigplanet 3 It will appear on November 26, and very soon we will endure the final verdict for her. In the meantime, tell me if you created your own levels in the previous parts of the series and are you going to try a new editor with all its capabilities for a tooth? Share with us what you expect from the game, and tell about your design plans in the comments!

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